Monday, November 1, 2010

NaNoWriMo Day One

When giving updates on my NaNoWriMo status, I decided to leave off the “Dear Mom” and if she’s looking down upon me, well… thank you.

It’s my first day and it’s not even over, but I surpassed my goal of 1,852 words and have written 4,357—that’s what happens when you get up at 5AM and follow a schedule. We’ll see what the rest of the month brings. I do have 3 days that I know I won’t be able to write, so having a bit of a surplus eases my anxiety.

With keeping on a schedule, I took my daughter’s idea (marking a water bottle) to show how much water you need to drink before the day is over. I always forget and who wants to drink 64 ounces of water right before they go to bed? No sleeping then. Thought I’d share the idea with anyone else who has the same trouble. I’m ahead of schedule on the water intake too! Go figure.

A blogger buddy and NaNoWriMo buddy is holding a contest on her blog and so I’m going to share it here if anyone is interested. Lisa ( is a sweet Southern gal and I’m sure you’ll enjoy her blog.

Now back to writing because I think I’m on a roll. Did I also mention that I rode 4 miles on the stationary bike and did a little laundry?

1 comment:

  1. Well, I obviously hadn't read this yet, when I asked if you started writing at 12:01 am!!


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