Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Go see yesterdays post… it’s just the opposite. I’m coming unglued. But here is my blind drawing of Jessica’s ukulele

and then me looking at the ukulele.
food for thought: I’ve got nothing.


  1. I hope by "blind" you mean that you were looking at the paper, but were NOT looking at the ukulele.

    Otherwise--if you drew the top one while you were blindfolded or closing your eyes--I will have to hurt you. ;)

    1. Yes, blind is not looking at the paper, but just focusing on the object - following the outline. Geez, I couldn't draw or write blindfolded.

  2. Wow! That's a nice pair of ukes.

  3. I am incoherent with jealousy over your sketching talent.

    Critter Alley

    1. That's cute Pat, but I think everyone has the capability of drawing, if I do.

  4. Not only do you have enormous artistic talent, your memory must be amazing! Oh, and I think it's cool she plays a ukelele.

    1. Umm, no my memory is not amazing and I can NOT draw from my head... even if I see an object in my mind, when it comes out on paper, it is nothing like what's even in my head. As a matter of fact, you can't even recognize what it is. Blind drawing is just letting your eye follow the outline of what you are looking at without looking at your paper. Sometimes the lines meet and sometimes they don't. I did it with a cup once and the handle was way off from the base.

  5. The uke is so underrated. I'm glad you featured it. I promise you, when Keith Urban played it, the uke was very sexy. :)

    1. One year when I watched American Idol, there was some guy who played the song Alleluhiah (?) on it and well... I loved it.

  6. Hi Lynn, Am returning to say how happy I was to see you visited my blog. I want to sign you up for my drawing - to win a copy of my memoir - but I need you to do one tiny thing...follow my blog. From what I see on my end, you're not following. I'm here because I know Blogger has had lots of technical issues and I want to be sure you are "in." Thanks, Vickie


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