Dear Mom,
homework, read, study, class, get up and do it all over again. That’s been my life.
All work and no play makes Lynn a very
dull girl—and that's been my thinking lately.
I attended
the funeral mass for Uncle Bob—Dad’s brother-in-law. Uncle Bob’s oldest son got
up to say a few words. A beautiful tribute. I had rummaged through my purse for
my pen and notebook when my cousin said that his dad said something like,
“When you stop playing, that’s when you become an old man.” Uncle Bob was 92,
and even though I didn’t really know him other than what I've heard—he played
right to the end.
this made me realize that I’m not playing at all. Although I've recently met
with some friends for dinner. I also meet my critique pals every other week.
There are a few other things I allow myself since I've been in school, but daily? I don’t play daily.
That made
me think, what constitutes play? Enjoying what you’re doing? Yes? I mean, if
you’re having fun, even if it’s so called work, then to me you’re playing.
I journal
every morning—which I love and enjoy. Maybe I am playing every day.
programming weren’t so frustrating and confusing to me most of the time, I
might even consider that play. But not so much, yet.
That made
me think of something else. (Oh, I can hear my husband, son and stepson now… oh here she goes… they're the ones who
give me the most trouble about running my mouth) I suppose my chatting can be
like a program that has an infinite loop – ha – I made an analogy with programming.
Not surprising, I dream in code.
We had a
mid-term final. This class is about an hour and a half long. After what seemed
like ten minutes, some genius gets up because he’s finished. I tried not to
panic. I was probably on question 3 (of 25). I finished after using the entire
class time. I’ll be lucky if half are correct… yeah, and it was open book. Go
back to my point. (Yes… an infinite loop.)
After the
exam, I was feeling dumb again. How’d that kid answer all of those questions so
quickly? Who knows really, and it’s not right for me to compare. Maybe he grew
up with a computer in his mouth. Maybe that’s all he does in his spare time. I
thought, put him in a kitchen next to me and we’ll see who’s the genius. He’ll
still be breaking eggs while my soufflé is baking in the oven. Okay, not really
because I don’t do soufflés, but most anything else. But that doesn’t mean geek
genius is dumb… he’s just not as experienced in the kitchen. And it doesn’t
mean I’m smarter either... just more experienced as a cook.
So that’s
my point. None of us are dumb. Some of us apply ourselves more than others in
certain things, and some of us have more experience in certain subjects than others.
That’s what makes us all so unique and interesting.
Bob, I’m glad your son shared your words of wisdom to play.
Speaking of playing, take a look at Lavender Dreams and see
what she’s been playing with…