Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Chicken Soup for the Soul - Merry Christmas!

Today is the day! It's official, it's here!

Some sneaky chick elf visited my house in the night and left me with a surprising present... and I just love it!

Sunday, October 18, 2015


It's hard to believe that my last post was on the 1st of this month. I just got back from a whirlwind, seven day, round trip road trip from here (St. Louis, MO) to Los Angeles, CA. I rode with my daughter to pick up my son, who's moving... he's been in LA for 12 years now. Well, not any more.

Rita and I had a rooting-tooting good time on the way to LA, hitting weird things to see along the way... the biggest rocking chair (before we even got out of Missouri). We did selfies at every stop. We had her two dogs with us, Computer and Doc.

Here they are in the vehicle. Computer is the black dog. Doc is the pug. They had lots of room on the way to LA, but on the way back that whole area was chuck full and those two pups ended up in between the back seats, close to me. They were so sweet and so good!

All my other photos are on my phone... we'll get to those some time. We had a good time on the way back too. My son Casey indulged Rita and me with some stops along the way. Probably a good thing he was with us on the way back or we might still be on the road.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Writing/Weight - Why Wait?

Okay, writing and weight, what do they have to do with each other? For me, as a writer, I sit a lot. It’s hard to stand and write. Sitting (along with a lot of other things) creates weight gain and I have done plenty of that lately. Of course, then the self-loathing and beating myself up comes into play. Why did you get so lazy, Lynn? Why didn’t you keep that weight off? Why did you eat that cookie? Why, why, why… and well, anyone out there that deals with this, knows exactly what I’m talking about.

I debated for a while to purchase a Garmin Vivofit, but since they were on sale and the cheapest I’ve seen these tools, I decided to get one… however, I may return it (although it has made me move more) just because the universe works in mysterious ways (which I just love) and a few days later a friend sent me her niece’s newsletter: Wise Girl Daily and you can find it at:  RobinBrande.com. There was something in her post that caught my attention… about weight and it led me to The Susceptibility Quiz and to this woman: Susan Pierce Thompson, Ph.D.
I don’t normally blab on about things (hey, wait until I finish because I know what you're thinking...) that I don’t know much about and in this case, Susan Pierce Thompson. But what I’ve discovered… the little I’ve discovered has already changed my life and my thinking.
If my friend (thanks, Leslie) hadn’t shared with me, then I’d still be lost… would still feel hopeless and so I had to share with anyone who might read this.
So, why wait if you want to do something about your weight? And why wait if you want to do something with your writing? I’m doing both. YAY for me.