You can view Week One, Week Two and Week Three of my adventure if you missed it so you can make sense of this post.
Day Twenty-Two February 22nd Wednesday
I mailed three letters and received none.
Since I'm a rock lover, I had to post this triangular rock.
I mailed a total of 15 pieces of mail. Three I took to the post office for postage. I received zip in the way of mail. Wah.
When I decided to do white, I wondered if I was going to find anything white except for some trash, but since I photographed trash already I hoped for something different. I was surprised to find as many. Here's the two favorites. The white on this rock.
I mailed five letters and received two. Yay! Thank you Rita and Jess, you made my day.
I love moss. Not really sure why, but if I could, my entire yard would be covered in moss. They have an area at the Missouri Botanical Gardens that's all mossy. It's really cool.
In my yard, there's snippets of moss all over on rocks, like this one.
Day Twenty-Five February 25th Saturday
I mailed one letter. Can you believe it? Just one. Didn't receive any.
Of course I had to snap these rocks that looked like they were experiencing a little togetherness. You may think I stacked them like this, but I didn't. These rocks were all separate, but when they landscaped the yard I guess they didn't want to bury the smaller ones, so they stacked them on top of each other.
Day Twenty-Six February 26th Sunday
No mailing of letters, however I did write three.
Day Twenty-Seven February 27th Monday
I mailed the three I wrote yesterday. I received zippo.
The branches on the trees going down my driveway are the only squiggly things I found.
I mailed three letters today and received six pieces of mail. Whoo-hoo! Thanks Gwen, Sue J, Linda, and Maya. Yeah, I can add. Maya sent me three!
Of course I pick the least sunny day to try and take some photos of birds. They were singing like crazy. I kept looking up fearing I'd fall over something from not looking where I was going. They were chirping, tweeting, cawing, whistling, calling to one another. I heard the woodpecker pecking on wood and a bird that sounded like a woodpecker that wasn't pecking on anything. Those little critters hid well. But as I walked I caught this hawk flying in the air. Can you see him? He's almost smack dab in the middle of the photo.
I mailed two letters today. Although it's the last day, it won't be my last letter by a long shot.
Unusual or Out of Place
Okay, this picture I had to include even though I didn't take it today. I took it on the 22nd (this week). Now I had been going up and down the driveway since February 1st and had not seen this particular item on the tree. I asked my husband if he put it there to surprise me. No. I still have no idea who did it or when it was actually put there. I wasn't as observant as I thought if I had been passing that every day.
I'll leave you with this - if you think writing a letter to someone doesn't make a difference, I've got news for you...