Tuesday, June 19, 2012

More Awards

Dear Mom,

I feel quite blessed as I have been honored again with blog awards.

I'd like to thank Jess at Praise, Prayers, and Observations for The Liebster Blog Award. I met Jess when I was doing the Letter Writing Challenge. We've become pen-pals and have so much in common, you'd think we're twins.

Here are the official rules for Liebster Blog Award:
  1. If you are nominated for the award and accept it, then you have won!
  2. Thank the person who nominated you by linking back to their blog.
  3. Nominate 5 blogs with less than 200 followers.
  4. Let the nominees know by leaving a comment on their blog.
  5. Add the award image to your site (use an image widget to place at bottom/side of blog).

I'd like to thank Monique at Bends in the Road for The Versatile Blogger Award. I met Monique when I took the April Platform Challenge.  I admire Monique for her courage in moving forward even when dealing with health issues.

Here are the "official rules" for The Versatile Blogger Award:
  1. Nominate 15 bloggers for the award.
  2. In the same post, add the award; (use an image widget to place at bottom/side of blog).
  3. Thank the blogger that nominated you, and give the link back to their blog.
  4. Share 7 random things about yourself.
  5. Include the rules in the post.
  6. Inform every blogger that you nominated, of their nomination by leaving a comment on their blog
  7. Inform bloggers to leave their blog information at http://versatilebloggeraward.wordpress.com/vba-winners/
Since I've been awarded before (you can read my first Versatile, second Versatile, third Versatile and the first Liebster awards) it's going to be a challenge to come up with something interesting, but I'll give it a shot.

In my first nomination I used the theme of music, the second I used body parts, the third I followed what the blogger who awarded me the award by what she talked about. So this time, I shall make the theme about food. Here's my seven random things...
  1. I consider myself a good cook (thanks to lots of practice) and have two food blogs (Lynn, What's For Dinner? and Lynn, What's For Dessert? but I haven't been blogging on them since I participated in NaNoWriMo... yeah, back in November).
  2. I love watermelon. I could eat it all day, every day.  There's a story about watermelon that my mom told me and it's the only one I can remember that she actually told me. All the other stories about her come by way of someone else... at least what I can remember anyway.
  3. I'm pretty sure I'm an emotional eater. I eat when I'm happy... when I'm sad... when I'm tired... when I'm full of energy... when I'm bored.... The only time I don't eat is when I'm severely depressed and I'm incredibly grateful for that not being the case in a long time. So, yeah, I like to eat. But I love to cook for people even more.
  4. I'm on the search for the perfect malt ball. I'm a malt ball connoisseur. I have my own little test on how to determine if it qualifies as "the perfect malt ball" and so far, I haven't come across one... yet.
  5. I'm a fan of things that are chewy.
  6. I would love to grow my own vegetables/fruit, but that would mean I'd be feeding the wild animals in my yard even more since they eat all my other plants.
  7. I'm the pie maker in my family. Last fall I taught my niece how to make cherry pie, crust and all. I'd probably teach anyone how to cook/bake something if they asked.
Now, I'm changing things a tad as far as how many folks I'll be nominating, and I'm going to give  both the Liebster Award and The Versatile Blogger Award to the same folks... those being the last five peeps who decided to follow my blog. Some have been awarded one or both of the awards before, so play if you want, but it still would be interesting to hear 7 more interesting facts about all of you.

Sam at TheLateNightSnack
Claudia at CKSWarriorQueen
Pat at CritterAlley
Lauri at YourImaginationIsYourLimit
Misky at MiskCooks or MiskMask

Thank you again Jess and Monique - I appreciate your friendship.  Happy blogging, happy awards!

Connect with me on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Sign up for free email updates from this blog in the top right-hand corner of the page.


  1. Thank you so very much for this honour for both Misk Cooks and <a href="http://miskmask.wordpress.com> my poetry blog at Misk Mask </a>. Like you, I've also received these award nominations several times, but I'll happily play along with the list of things about me in a post that I'll release later this week.

    Thanks again!!

  2. Malt balls? ANOTHER thing we have in common. Doozles has a "Sandy Beach" malt (or maybe it's Fritz's) that has lots of malt powder in it.

    Yes, I'm an "equal opportunity" eater, as well. And I DO eat when I'm severely depressed, so there's NO respite when it comes to me...

  3. Ooops. I forgot to say "Congratulations" on the award. You certainly deserve it, Lynn.

  4. Congratulations on the award, Lynn - I enjoyed reading your fun facts! I too am a fan of malt balls and watermelon. Hope you'll one day share your mother's watermelon story.

  5. There is a lot to know about you, Lynn! I did not know about the cooking blogs...I will visit!

  6. I love the fact that you have themes for all your responses for your awards. I didn't realize you were such an award winner! I'm not the only one! I did look to see if you had won the Versatile Blogger award & didn't see it. You ought to display these proudly for your readers to see!! :)

    I enjoy your blog and think you are creative to use letters as the format for your posts. The letter format makes your posts much more personal!


  7. Misky, thanks for playing again!
    Sioux, you're funny... Sandy Beach, I'll have to give that a try.
    Tammy, yay for malt balls and watermelon.
    Bookie, thank you.
    Monique, I posted the Versatile Blogger picture - oops. And thanks for your kind words.

  8. Sorry I'm just getting here, Lynn. We've had company so I put my laptop aside for several days. I'm not as addicted as I thought I was! LOL

    I agree with Monique. I love your creativity with letters! I promise to get you one in the mail soon. I keep picking up unusual paper... just to write you. :)

  9. Thank you so much! Now let's talk about malt balls. I find them polarizing. Sometimes I love them. Sometimes I just chew off the chocolate and toss the ball.

  10. Congratulations on your award. I figured you were a great cook!

  11. I sure wish that you lived closer so that you could teach me how to make pies. Congrats on your awards!

    Kathy M.

  12. Congrats on the awards! I love #7. :)

  13. Congrats, Lynn, and thanks for thinking about Critter Alley. You are so sweet!

    Speaking of sweet makes me remember that I just ate a box of dark chocolate covered raisins. Do you suppose I can claim that as health food?

    Critter Alley


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