I had the pleasure of attending the MWG writing conference this past weekend. It was more than I expected with fine folks like keynote speakers: Claire Cook and Christina Katz. I had attended their workshop where I became inspired and learned a lot. Just listening to their keynote speeches caused you to walk away inspired.
I also attended workshops with Jane Friedman, Karen Docter and Shawntelle Madison. Of course, I learned more.
It was a privilege to pick up Karen Docter, Ann Collette and Sarah LaPolla from the airport. I was nervous, but these ladies put me at ease right away. On the way home I had another privilege of taking some other fine ladies to the airport: Ann Behar, Debra Hess, Rhonda Penders and Michele Mortimer.
Ten things I learned from this conference other than writing tips and tools:
1) That volunteering is rewarding, but then I already knew that…
2) To have fun! Yes, Lynn. FUN.
3) I’m a book addict. I told myself that I wouldn’t buy a book—any book—this seminar, but I left with eight. I ran out of the bookroom before I ran out of money. Is there a 12 step program for this?
4) That I need to love my writing and it doesn’t matter if anyone else does… well, it’d be nice if a few people loved it too.
5) I need to work on my first page of every manuscript I’m working on. And probably the second, third, fourth…
6) Writers, agents and publishers are all helpful and kind. I’m so blessed to be among this class of people. Seriously.
7) There’s so much I don’t know. Understatement.
8) I worry too much. I worry that I worry, that’s how much I worry. I need to just keep #2 in mind.
9) Social media is important, but I need to schedule and limit my time and keep my main focus on my writing. Focus.
10) I can’t win a contest or get published if I don’t enter. So I need to do what this piece of jewelry says that my friend, Sioux made and in case you can’t read the words: Write-Submit-Write.

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