is hard to believe that this little stinker is 16 today. From the day he was
born, Josh was the most quiet and best kid… still is. His mom (my sister), Josh
and myself took an eight hour drive to visit another niece. Not once, and I repeat,
not once did Josh say, “Are we there yet?” Josh was about nine, maybe. I can’t remember, but the age
where it would be so typical to hear, “Are we there yet?” or any kind of
whining. But not one whine out of him. I’m serious. We stopped at some antique
store—Ruth and I browsing our little hearts out, Josh following. He picked up
an item and asked his mom, “Can I have this?” She said, “No.” He put it back
and didn’t say a word. I was dumbfounded. What? No tantrum? No pleading? No begging?
I kid you not. I waited the entire trip for him to whine about something and he
didn’t… not until I pushed his button. So that was my fault. The kid loved to
run, so anytime we stopped at a rest area, Josh would just run around. One
time, for fun, I shouted, “Run, Forest, run.” He gave me a stern look and in
the same tone said, “My name’s not Forest.” The was the extent of his sass. The
trip was quite unforgettable, especially for Forest… err, I mean, Josh. I sang
most of the way… trying to get Josh to sing along with me. It didn’t work. I
told you he was quiet. He later nicknamed me LLL (Loud Loony Lynn). Josh,
you’re adorable and I hope you have the best 16th birthday!
to all the father’s out there…