Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Sioux’s Book Blurb Friday #10

Okay, didn't think I was going to play this week as I've been watching a 9 part episode on "Truth About Cancer." It's been quite an eye opener. Did you know that cancer is not a death sentence and that there are natural means to heal and prevent cancer?

And now for Sioux’s Book Blurb Friday #10. Check out Sioux’s blog for all the nitty gritty details.

(My daughter informed me that I needed to be a bit more creative with the character's names. Easy for her to say. I decided I'd start using the names of my relatives. Brilliant, I say.)

You basically write 150 word book blurb based on the picture for that week:

My 82 word blurb:

When asked to be a part for a statue, Alicia and Mart readily agreed thinking they were posing for the town square. Famous at last. They had no idea a liquid would be poured over them, capturing forever their position. The weird thing was that they could communicate with one another—not with their voice, but by mental telepathy. Oh the conversations that took place. Find out the story behind the scenes and what transpired in hilarious tale of egos run amuck.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Sioux’s Book Blurb Friday #9

It’s Sioux’s Book Blurb Friday #9. To learn more about Sioux’s Book Blurb Friday, check out Sioux’s blog. And come on, you know you want to play. Have some fun. If I can do this, anyone can.  Really.  Clearly you can see how creative I am with my title.  No mystery there. You basically write 150 word book blurb based on the picture:

My 104 word blurb (my word count is climbing):

You all know Tashia Bleu let the cat out of the bag, as the ole cliché goes, and good ole karma came back to bite her when her best friend’s cat slipped into the gift bag that she left for Tashia. Little did Tashia know that on Felix’s collar was a hidden camera. Her best friend, Regan placed it on Felix when she was trying to figure out who was eating all her vegetables in the garden. What karma came back to bite Tashia? What other cat was let out of the bag? Will Regan still be her best friend after all is revealed?

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Sioux’s Book Blurb Friday #8

It’s Sioux’s Book Blurb Friday #8. To learn more about Sioux’s Book Blurb Friday, check out Sioux’s blog. You basically write 150 word book blurb based on the picture:

My 100 word blurb:

Right after being pronounced Mr. & Mrs. Bleu, FBI agents had the newly married couple up against the wall. In this fast-paced love story of passion, heart ache and not exactly happily ever after, learn what FBI agents suspected of the blissful couple. Or did the FBI agents have it right? Why did they wait until after they were man and wife? Mr. & Mrs. Bleu were sure their jokester wedding party had something to do with this or did they? Find out whether Mr. and Mrs. Bleu were having second thoughts now that they said the big, “I do.”